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For Supporters

I will need your help to retain my seat on our school board. I am grateful for any amount of time, energy or financial support you can spare. Above all, make a plan to vote April 5, and make sure your family and friends do the same.


Contribute to the campaign: Early money will go to fund our first mailers and for some new lawn signs. You can give online via ActBlue, drop off a check made out to Friends of Emily Berry or snail mail to 1304 E. Lake Bluff Blvd. in Shorewood.  E-mail me  if you have questions about contributing.


Sport a lawn sign in front of your house:  Email me to let me know if you'd like to receive a sign, and feel free to request more for family, friends and neighbors in Shorewood. There's no charge for a sign, but if you'd like to make a contribution to offset the cost, $20 pays for one for you and one for a neighbor. If you request one, I will place it on your lawn unless you tell me you would rather do it yourself. 


Volunteer to canvas with me: Because of the pandemic, I anticipate making fewer face-to-face visits to homes for conversations, but I will at least be distributing door hangers and flyers.  Just send me an email and we will figure out when and where we'll canvas.


Attend events to hear from all of the candidates: Keep your eyes peeled for announcements here, or on facebook - there should be multiple events, and it is wonderful to see friendly faces at any and all of them. I expect some or all will be virtual, but it's possible we will have some masked and in-person. As with everything these days, we'll have to see how the COVID-19 situation looks.


Talk to your friends and neighbors: You might be shocked to hear this, but not everyone gets excited about local government. A lot of folks will have no idea who to support for school board. If you think there are good reasons to vote for me, share them. It will mean more coming from you than it will on a flyer from me. 


VOTE April 5! Make a plan to vote, and go with friends, whether you take advantage of early voting or go in person. If you're headed out of town and won't be in town April 5, make sure you get your absentee ballot! Check that your friends are all registered to vote and have a plan for when they're voting and how they will get there. Local races here have often been decided by razor thin margins - your vote matters!



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